Thursday, October 13, 2011

Has Your Email Lost Its Way?

An article by Jeff Orloff posted on the website

This article discusses issues regarding the reliability of email systems.  The article states, "So when a report comes out that claims that email delivery rates are 81% relying on electronic messaging for so many things can easily be called into question.

According to a study from Return Path, worldwide delivery rates for email communications hasn’t improved since 2009. The study also showed that 7 percent of all messages were classified as spam and 12 percent never reaching their destination."

The report cites several reasons for the email failure rate (which is now said to be at 14% in North America).  Among the reasons cited:  hardware/software failure; poorly configured email clients; blacklisting; and overly aggressive spam filters.

Emails that never reach the intended recipient can cause a host of problems.  When it comes to eDiscovery, at least there are ways of indicating if the intended recipient actually ever accessed the message.


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