Monday, October 24, 2011

91% Of Employers Use Twitter, Facebook And LinkedIn To Screen Job Applicants [INFOGRAPHIC]

An article by Shea Bennett posted on the website, accompanied by an infographic.

This article discusses employers use of social media networks to screen potential employees.

The article states that social media monitoring service Reppler conducted a study with another company, Lab42, regarding use of social media for screening applicants.  The findings state, "A massive 91% of the employers polled use social networking sites to screen prospective employees. More worryingly for applicants, 69% say they have rejected a candidate because of something they saw on one of these social platforms.

Other key takeaways:
  • 47% of employers check social networking sites to screen prospective employees immediately after receiving their job application
  • Facebook is checked by 76% of employers, followed by Twitter (53%) and LinkedIn (48%)
  • It’s not all bad news – 68% of employers have hired a candidate because of something they saw about them on a social networking site."
A portion of the infographic is included below, and the full infographic appears in the article:


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