Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ready or Not, It’s Time for Corporate America to Address Social Media

An article by Rob Jones on the eDiscovery Insight blog.

This article touches on corporate use of social media, and states that corporations must be ready to deal with legal challenges associated with social media network use.

The article asks certain questions, and states, "

1) How do I monitor what my employees are saying about my company on social media sites?

2) Should I prevent my employees from accessing social media sites from their work PC’s?

3) How proactive should we be in our social media interaction with disgruntled clients?

4) Where is the line drawn between employee privacy or freedom of speech versus malicious intent and libelous behavior?

All of these are great topics and definitely need to be addressed. There is actually a fantastic website that has a ton of resources regarding these very issues called Social Media Governance (Authored by Chris Boudreaux)"  A link to the referenced website is provided in the article.

The article further states, "Smart companies need to be asking themselves what mechanisms they need to have in place to stay on top of what employees are sharing with customers and potential customers. It’s only a matter of time until mismanagement of social media policy leads to serious consequences – not only for the bottom line, but potentially in the legal and e-discovery arenas as well."


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