Saturday, September 3, 2011



1-Information Technology and society refers to cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology and society upon the other . This synergistic relationship occurred from the dawn of humankind, with the invention of simple tools and continues into modern technologies such as the printing press and computers.
2-The importance of stone tools, circa 2.5 million years ago, is considered fundamental in human development in the hunting hypothesis. It has been suggested thet the control of fire by early humans and the associated development of cooking was the spark that radically changed human evolution.

3-The ideas like Renaissance and enlightenment,and events like geographical discoveries and industrial revolution etc played a crucial role in bringing changes in the society with the help of technologies.Introduction of machine further improved the life of the people.Twenteenth century had witnessed a revolution in the IT sector.Radio,TV,auto mobile,computers,Internet,Mobile phone etc helped people to modify their life according to the changing world.
         4-Technology can be said to have spurred the development of more elaborate economies. In the modern world, superior technologies, resources, geography, and history give rise to robust economies; and in a well-functioning, robust economy, economic excess naturally flows into greater use of technology.
         5-Today the government is a major contributor to the development of new technology.So like Many foundations and other nonprofit organizations contribute to the development of technology.
         6-The implementation of technology influences the values of a society by changing expectations and realities. The implementation of technology is also influenced by values.
7-In many ways, technology simplifies life.
1-The rise of a leisure class.2-A more informed society.3-Sets the stage for more complex learning tasks.4-Increases multi-tasking.5-Global networking.6-Creates denser social circles.7-Cheaper prices.8-Greater specialization in jobs
8-So like technology also complicates life.
1-Pollution is a serious problem in a technologically advanced society. 2-The increase in transportation technology has brought congestion in some areas.3-Technicism .4-New forms of danger existing as a consequence of new forms of technology, such as the first generation of nuclear reactors.5-New forms of entertainment, such as video games and internet access could have possible social effects on areas such as academic performance.6-Increased probability of some diseases and disorders, such as obesity.7-Social separation of singular human interaction. Technology has increased the need to talk to more people faster.8-Structural unemployment.9-Anthropogenic climate change.
         9-Technology enables greater knowledge of international issues, values, and cultures. Due mostly to mass transportation and mass media, the world seems to be a much smaller place. Technology provides an understanding, and an appreciation for the world around us.
         10-Most modern technological processes produce unwanted byproducts in addition to the desired products, which is known as industrial waste and pollution. While most material waste is re-used in the industrial process, many forms are released into the environment, with negative environmental side effects, such as pollution and lack of sustainability.
         11-The effects of technology on the environment are both obvious and subtle. The more obvious effects include the depletion of nonrenewable natural resources (such as petroleum, coal, ores), and the added pollution of air, water, and land. The more subtle effects include debates over long-term effects (e.g., global warming, deforestation, natural habitat destruction, coastal wetland loss.).


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