Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Data Miners Urged To Dig Carefully


Article by Thomas Claburn appearing on informationweek.com website.

This article discusses comments made today at the web 2.0 summit being held in San Francisco this week.

The author states, "Ann Cavoukian, information and privacy commissioner of Ontario, Canada, and David Vladeck, director of the Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection, took turns advising the entrepreneurs and business leaders in the audience to gather only data that's necessary and to do so in a way that respects user privacy."

The author states that Ms. Cavoukian advised businesses to develop products that keep privacy rights in mind.  The article reads, "Businesses have a choice between privacy-by-design or privacy-by-disaster, she suggested.

"Privacy is about control," said Cavoukian. "The individual should control what happens to the information.""

The article further states, "Don't collect data you don't need, urged Vladeck. "It's an albatross that can come back and really bite you," he said.

He urged entrepreneurs to familiarize themselves with privacy laws like the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, which forbids the collection of personal information from children under 13 without parental consent."

A video is also included in the article providing further insight into the presentation that the article references.


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