Thursday, October 20, 2011

Email Security Best Practices from Microsoft

An article by Jeff Orloff appearing on the email admin website at

This article discusses new suggested best practices provided by Microsoft in order to better protect the security of emails.

As the article states, "They (Microsoft) have launched several educational campaigns aimed at helping users better secure their computers and networks.

These efforts can be seen by Microsoft’s latest report, Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, and its corresponding website.

This project was set up to provide businesses and consumers with hard data concerning security risks and best practices from Microsoft themselves on how to mitigate the various risks."

This article goes on to provides some specific security settings that should be utilized by i.t. email administrators.

Of interesting note, the article states, "according to their website, Microsoft filters between five to ten million email messages every day that contain malware and/or spam. On a daily basis, they see threats that include spyware, worms, attacks from botnets and polymorphic viruses attacking their email messaging systems. Each day more than 100 different types of executable files are removed from incoming messages sent to Microsoft employees."


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