Monday, October 24, 2011

Interesting Poll Results for eDiscovery Market - The eDiscovery Paradigm Shift

A post by Charles Skamser of the eDiscovery Paradigm Shift blog.  This post provides results from the recent poll taken over a four month time period by the eDSG group.  The article provides a summary of the results of the informal survey, complied from thousands of replies.

There are several responses provided in the survey summary, of particular interest the results state:

 "Are you planning to implement some form of predictive coding for eDiscovery?"

20% - What is predictive coding?
20% - No plans
20% - In 2011
40% - In 2012

Is it time to update the FRCP again?

12% - What are the FRCP?
25% - No
62% - Yes

P.S. Click on the link to read more of the survey's results, including a list of the specific solutions most likely to be utilized.


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