Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Law Firm Study: Cooperation, Gadgets Remain Discovery Obstacles

An article by Evan Koblentz posted on on the LTN webpage.

This article discusses the results of the recently released Fulbright and Jaworski 8th Annual Litigation Trends Survey. A link to the survey results is provided in the article, and the study's results can be downloaded by entering information into the link provided by Mr. Koblentz.

The article states, "According to the study, 400 corporate attorneys weighed in on discovery, with 34 percent saying yes, they're trying to become more cooperative, 29 percent no, and 29 percent stating that they lack an opportunity."

The article further states, "In the survey, 91 percent of U.S. respondents and 55 percent from the U.K. said they're allowed to use personal devices for work. That makes discovery difficult because of challenges such as device management, data synchronization, and unfiltered access to cloud services,  (David Kessler, co-leader of the Fulbright's e-discovery and information governance practice) Kessler added."

Other interesting trends include the increased need to produce data from social media networks, up to 13% of all respondents.

P.S. The Fulbright study is always an excellent look at litigation trends, and is certainly worth viewing.


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