Saturday, October 22, 2011

There's Someone Here for You. It's Your Deleted Data.

An article by Trent Livingston posted on the blog.

This blog post discusses the use of social media networks, and provides some warning regarding the fact that social media posts tend to remain available, even if the user has deleted the post.  It also provides some comic commentary, likening the storage of data by Facebook to a "psycho ex".

As the author states, "Behind every social media website is a database. Inside this database is all the information that you post to your wall, send to friends, etc. Given its structure, relational databases often don't actually delete data; rather they just switch a flag to "off"."

This blog post provides a link to a story in the "Guardian" about Max Schrems, whom is suing Facebook under Irish law for an alleged privacy violation.  The blog post states, "12,000 pages of data [that included] rejected friend requests, incidences where he "defriended" someone, as well as a log of all Facebook chats he had ever had. There was also a list of photos he had detagged of himself, the names of everyone he had ever "poked", which events he had attended, which he hadn't replied to, and much more besides."


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