Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To More Cost Effective and Less Risky e-Discovery via an Effective RM Strategy


This is a blog post on the aiim.org blog by Johannes Scholtes.

This article discusses suggested best practices for a records management strategy.  The author states that elements of an RM strategy should include:
  • Creates additional flexibility regarding the way records are actually defined within the organization;
  • Supports the management of records as they are currently used (a file plan);
  • Provide a comprehensive and workable strategy for secure and enduring retention of records;
  • Enable the accurate and secure final disposition of records, based on pertinent rules and regulations.
  • Enable the management of documents and record files within the organization to enhanced competitiveness, minimized legal risks and realize timely and adequate responds to an e-discovery or e-disclosure
The author states, "...actual records should be defined based on content (and usability)— thereby allowing the automation of a retention schedule within each of the records series—as opposed to medium (e.g. e-mail) or document type (e.g. letter). This approach is consistent with that defined by the Department of Defense’s influential standard (DoD 5015.2-STD), which, among other guidelines, supports the notion that all documents, including e-mail, be treated according to the defined records series (and file plan)."

The article discusses several points, and provides narrative around each of the following subjects:
  • Creating a flexible definition of records
  • Supporting a workable file plan
  • Creating a comprehensive retention strategy
  • Disposition of records
  • Executing the file plan
  • Realizing timely and adequate responds to an e-discovery
The author concludes, "An integrative RM approach leads to enhanced competitiveness, more agility to meet specific customer needs, minimized legal risks, better positioning for higher profits, and supports legal departments to realize timely and adequate responds to an e-discovery or e-disclosure."


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