Sunday, October 23, 2011

IT Security & Network Security News & Reviews: 10 Stupidest Hacks of All Time

An article appearing on written by Fahmida Y. Rashid, an includes a slideshow providing information about each of the referenced hacks.

This article outlines 10 of the dumbest hacking incidents ever, and provides information about each scenario. Many of the hacks led to the exposure of the hackers identity...which is why they were considered to make the list of 10 stupidest.

The list includes information regarding the following incidents:
  1. Things Not to Do When Job Hunting.  Wrote a Word macro virus that printed out his resume and demanded a job or he would write another malware to delete hard drives.
  2. The Importance of Not Reusing Emails. Government authorities took years to track down a hacker who attacked Department of Defense computers. He was arrested after an email address used during the attack showed up in a resume posted on online job boards.
  3. Hospital Audits Catch Snoopy Insiders. It seems that medical “professionals” can’t resist looking up the case files of celebrity patients even if they don’t have any need to access the information.
  4. Kelly Osborne's ‘Celebrity Hacker’. A hacker broke into Kelly Osborne’s email account and forwarded new messages to personal account 
  5. License Plates Can Be Traced. A hacker infected MySpace accounts, bragged about the exploit online and posted pictures of himself with his car's license plate in the background.
  6. Don't Use Your Name. A hacktivist defaced a government site and signed his real name.A group of hacktivists that included one Shahee Mirza defaced a Bangladesh government military Website, mocking the government for weak security practices. 
  7. Benevolent Worms Can Still Have Teeth. A hacker released a worm that would download and patch vulnerable BIND DNS servers. The worm also contained a stealthy backdoor to give remote control and access of the infected system
  8. Naïve Hackers Will Get Caught. Newbies and enthusiastic activists didn't realize the Low Orbit Ion Cannon tool used by Anonymous to launch distributed denial of services attacks didn't mask user IP addresses, making them easier to find.
  9. Smile, You Are on Camera! A man steals an iPhone, takes a photo of himself and sends it to his personal email account allowing the police to find and arrest the suspect.
  10. Dumb or Clever? Hacker uses a speed trap camera image to trick computers into wiping out database table.


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