Friday, October 21, 2011

eDiscovery Trends: Reporting from the 2011 EDRM Mid-Year Meeting

An article by Doug Austin on his blog eDiscovery Daily, at

This article discusses the EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model) meeting that took place in St. Paul Minnesota this week.  The article touts some EDRM achievements, "the recently announced information governance collaboration efforts between EDRM and ARMA and the announcement of the first draft of the Model Code of Conduct (MCoC) to focus on the ethical duties of eDiscovery service providers and their clients." Links to the specific announcements are provided in Mr. Austin's post.

Mr. Austin provides the following information as his take on the highlights regarding the recent meeting, "
Highlights of activities for other working groups in the Mid-Year meeting include:

  • Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM): Working on completing a guide for using the IGRM model as well as use cases and a toolkit for facilitating understanding of the model and how to implement it.
  • Evergreen: Has started work on an educational initiative, coordinating with the IGRM working group.
  • Model Code of Conduct: Has implemented changes resulting from comments to the working draft of the MCoC document and will be posting the final version of the code soon, they will then be implementing a mechanism to track and recognize the organizations that volunteer to adhere to the code.
  • Search: Working on a Sampling and Validation paper and expects to have a working draft ready for comment soon, they also plan to complete a Search Intent Framework and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document by next year’s annual meeting.
  • XML: Has revamped the downloads page for downloading the XML schema, with version 1.1 of the schema currently available and a press release to announce version 2.0 of the schema coming soon."
The author provides links to the various EDRM projects that he references.

P.S. The EDRM is now in the 7th year of existence, and Joe Bartolo of this blog has participated in past events, and was a working group leader for the EDRM Metrics project (although he was not in attendance at the recent meeting discussed in Mr. Austin's blog).  The EDRM is certainly an important association, and is a true resource to anyone involved with eDiscovery issues.


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