Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pattanam Excavation

 Pattanam Excavation Site 
Location : At Pattanam about one and a half kilometres from Kodungalloor-North Paravur route.
           The Pattanam excavations were the first ever multi-disciplinary excavations undertaken in Kerala State. The first part of the project was a surface survey for archaeological and historical evidence in the region. This was followed by extensive excavations at the early historic urban site of Pattanam.

The main objective of the excavation was to search for archaeological evidence that would help to locate/identify an early historic urban settlement and the ancient Indo-Roman port of Muziris or Musiri on the Malabar Coast. The first phase of excavation was carried out by Kerala Council for Historical Research from 18th February to 8th April 2007 in collaboration with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the State Department of Archaeology and the Tourism and Revenue Department.

The site at Pattanam covers approximately 1.5 sq. km and the core area measures about 600 x 400 m. The north-eastern part of the site was chosen for excavation based on the surface exploration undertaken earlier. Four Trenches (PT 07 I, PT 07 II, PT 07 III, PT 07 IV) and one trial trench (PTT 07 I) covering an area of 125 sq. m. was systematically excavated. The "locus methodology" adopted for this excavation distinguished each layer/feature/pit/structure/ activity area on the basis of colour, texture and composition.

Many important findings were obtained like human bones, storage jars, a gold ornament, glass beads, stone beads, utilitarian objects made of stone, copper and iron, typical pottery, early Chera coins, brick wall, brick platform, ring well, wharf with bollards, and a six meter long wooden canoe parallel to the wharf structure about 2.5 m. below surface level. The structures indicate a vast ‘urban’ settlement.
The excavations suggest that the site was first occupied by the indigenous "Megalithic" (Iron Age) people, followed by the Roman contact in the Early Historic Period. It appears that the site was continuously occupied at least from the 2nd century BC to the 10th century AD. The maritime contacts of this region during the Early Historic Period seem to have been extensive as evidenced by the large number of Roman amphora shreds, a few terra sigillata shreds, Sassanian, Yemenite and other West Asian potteries. Proliferation of roulette ware probably made in the Bengal-Gangetic region signifies the site's importance in the pan Indian context as well.
The bulk of the archaeological remains is buried, unexplored and untouched. The excavated sites have been conserved by filling back with earth. The visitors have no idea on what was excavated. All these irregularities shall be solved by the setting up of the site museum.


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