Monday, October 24, 2011

eDiscovery’s Big Concerns: Social Media and The Cloud

An article by Barry Murphy posted on eDiscovery Journal.  The article discusses social media use, retention policies and storage of ESI on social media networks.

In addition the article states, " was with great interest that I read this article that Leigh Isaacs forwarded my way today – “Facebook to face 100,000 Euro Fine for Keeping Archives of Deleted Data.”

FaceBook users may delete data, but that doesn’t mean that Facebook has a way of making sure that data is actually destroyed. In this one case, an individual shows how his privacy could be violated. Imagine what could happen if a huge corporation could prove mishandling of data? Because, at the end of the day, this issue extends well beyond Facebook and other social media providers; truly any cloud vendor could face similar charges."  The article provides a link to the referenced source.

The article states that the eDiscovery journal is conducting a cloud provider survey, asking for information about data storage issues, trying to gauge if these issues are already of concern to providers.  A link to the survey is provided in the article.


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