Thursday, October 27, 2011

Scary Stalker Husband In The Legal Clear To Track Wife's Car

An article by Kashmir Hill published by Forbes and posted on the website.

This article discusses privacy issues and provides two legal examples where tracking devices used on a vehicle driven by a spouse were found to be permissible by the legal system.

The article states, "A New Jersey judge ruled earlier this year that a wife who did this to out a cheating spouse did not break any laws, because the tracker only followed the car’s whereabouts on public roads where a driver should expect no privacy."  A link is provided to information about the incident referenced in the article.

In addition the article further states that a man tracked his wife with a GPS on the vehicle and also allegedly through spyware on her phone. The author writes, "He secretly put a tracker on her car; she also alleges that he out spyware on her phone and the family computer. He repeatedly freaked her out by revealing that he knew where she’d been. At one point, he showed up at a secluded lakeside cabin that she didn’t think that he knew about (and “attacked an acquaintance of hers,” according to court documents. Busted.)." The article states that in the Minnesota case the husband was co-owner of the car, so he was permitted to use the GPS tracking device, although he was found guilty of stalking for his other behavior.

The article also states, "While it seems that Big Husbands and Big Wives are in the clear to track cars, the constitutionality of Big Brother doing this without a warrant is still unresolved. Since judges around the country have come to different opinions on this, the Supreme Court will be weighing in..."


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