Saturday, October 29, 2011

Leveraging In-house eDiscovery Technology for Protecting Data Privacy, Enabling IP Protection, and Controlling Sensitive Data

This is a white paper, published by StoredIQ in conjunction with Contoural.

As the white paper states, "This paper provides an overview of the problems and risks associated with increasing amounts of data and the inability to quickly and efficiently identify sensitive data for business and legal reasons and the impact of data privacy requirements. It also provides an overview of challenges associated with Intellectual Property and how an organization can utilize eDiscovery solutions to address these growing data management risks, including how the same framework and tools that are used for eDiscovery processes can be leveraged for protecting data privacy,enabling IP protection, and controlling sensitive data across an enterprise."

The paper further states, "One of the primary challenges for any business is understanding what data resides where. If data is stored in non-compliant, unknown, or unsecured storage areas, the risk of not being able to find data or worse, a data leak, is drastically increased."

This paper outlines how StoredIQ's technology can be utilized in a corporate infrastructure, and how it can effectively save costs, while at the same time reduce liability risk. 

P.S. SRM Legal is a StoredIQ partner, and should you have any questions regarding the various functions that Stored IQ provides to assist corporations and law firms, please contact SRM Legal to discuss this issue further.


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