Monday, October 10, 2011

E-Discovery from Washington to Dublin

A blog post from the e-Disclosure Information Project by Chris Dale.

This article outlines some of the discussions and presentations that e-Discovery expert Chris Dale has been involved with in recent days.

The article discusses the recent Masters Conference held in Washington D.C., and states "The sessions which I attended were about the current big themes – possible changes to the rules relating to preservation, whether early case assessment is working (a panel in which I took part), an update from the Bench, technology-assisted review, international privacy and discovery, practical discovery of social media and (always my favourite panel at this conference) the Women Thought Leader panel. The session which aroused most comment was one which I missed, on certification, but fortunately Ron Friedmann made a comprehensive note of it."  A link to Ron Friedmann's comments is provided in the article.


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