Saturday, October 22, 2011

U.S. Archive Advances Records Management

An article by Evan Koblentz on on the LTN webpage.

This is an article about a recent National Archivist's announcement made during the ARMA 2011 conference.

The article states, "It's a different scale of records management: Electronic Records Archives, the U.S. government's content management system with public accessibility, is on track to be used by 190 federal agencies by the end of 2012.

Large law firms and corporation counsel may possess huge document repositories, but they don't compare to the federal system. "Today ERA is storing a collection of electronic records so vast that it can be hard to comprehend," totalling more than 103 terabytes and constantly growing, said David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, at the ARMA conference this week in National Harbor, Md."

The article further states, "Meanwhile, a variety of software companies announced new products at the conference, designed to help with similar challenges on a corporate scale."  The author touches on several announcements made at the ARMA conference in the article.


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