Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cell Phone Guide for Occupy Wall Street Protesters (and Everyone Else)

This is an article by Eva Galperin posted on the website.

This article provides tips regarding how to protect the contents of your cell phone communications, and also your personal privacy rights associated with your cell phone.  The authors of the Litigation Support Technology & News blog are in now way posting this as a comment in support, or in opposition to any protest, this is simply posted as it has to do with technology and privacy.

The article provides several tips, and offers discussion around the tips:

1. Protect your phone before you protest

Think carefully about what’s on your phone before bringing it to a protest. Password-protect your phone - and consider encryption options.

Back up the data on your phone.

2. You’re at the protest – now what?

Consider taking pictures and video.

3. Help! Help! I’m being arrested

Remember that you have a right to remain silent -- about your phone and anything else.

4. The police have my phone, how do I get it back?

Maintain control over your phone.

The article states in conclusion, "Cell phone and other electronic devices are an essential component of 21st century protests. Whether at Occupy Wall Street or elsewhere, all Americans can and should exercise their First Amendment right to free speech and assembly, while intelligently managing the risks to their property and privacy."


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