Thursday, October 13, 2011

Corporate Counsel Question Accountability in E-Discovery

An article on on the LTN webpage written by Evan Koblentz.

The article references the survey reports from Enterprise Strategy Group's recent study of corporations with more than 500 employees.

The article provides the following insight into the survey results, "86 percent said e-discovery expertise is important when they hire outside counsel and 64 percent requested alternative fee arrangements, the report states.

Accountability, according to 71 percent of responding companies, focuses on sampling to track document review accuracy in individual cases. Comparing results to other cases was an example cited by 50 percent of companies, and comparing to other reviews was cited by 43 percent. Only 29 percent use software to measure individual reviewer productivity."

The article also quotes co-author of the report, Katey Wood, whom discussed in-house counsel's relationship with law firms regarding eDiscovery as follows: "Overwhelmingly they expect e-discovery to be a competency for their law firms. It's very important to their selection criteria and their firms to be good at it. But there's very little accountability. Most of them are not looking at measuring or accuracy metrics ... The onus is on law firms to go figure it out.""


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