Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where Does Social Media End, And Our Real Life Begin?


An article by Lauren Fisher appearing on the website simplyzesty.com.

This article looks at social medial use and discusses when the line between social media and actual everyday life blurs.

The article states, "As we spend more of our time on social platforms, generating increasing numbers of stories, building connections and sharing content, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish where social media ends, and our real lives begin."

The author goes on to write, " If social media is a place which is largely accessible and in which anyone can create ‘stories’ that are circulated to communities, at what point do these stories stop becoming pieces of content that are representations of our other, offline lives, and how much do these stories become life itself? The answer depends very much on how you choose to use social media."

The author discusses the difference between passive and active users of social media as follows, "The fact is that social media can become ‘real life’ if you allow it to, and if you use the capabilities of social technologies to the full extent. If you choose to, it can be used in much the same way as offline or traditional media where it is simply a place to consume content, with little interaction. Or, you can choose to use it in a different way, taking much more of an active role, not only in how content is produced, but the conversations around the content you create. If you take an active role, then it is hard to argue, as many do, that social media is purely a distraction from real life and a glorified waste of time."


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