Saturday, October 8, 2011

Structured Data Discovery is the New Cool

An article by Trent Livingston on the Geekly Advice Blog.

This article touches on the fact that email is now no longer the leading form of ESI requested in litigation, and that structured data from databases is the form of electronic information that is now requested more frequently than email.  As the article states, "A recent survey by Symantec, quoted on Clearwell System's blog, found that email is no longer the top dawg when it comes to electronic discovery data selection. Email has slipped to a lousy third place (58%) with loose files and documents taking the top spot (67%) followed by database and application data (61%). Structured data discovery is moving up the ladder. Seems it's time to get your T-SQL on! Why? Because data discovery is changing."  The article provides a link to the survey results.

The article goes on to provide additional links to other articles that discuss trends regarding electronic communication, and also discusses projections regarding future projections.  The article also provides a graphic regarding communications taking place by age group, and finds that the 18-24 year old group sends more than 10x's the amount of text messages than the 55-64 year old group on a daily average basis. The article also provides some insight into the differences between structured data, and unstructured data...this is an important distinction when it comes to eDiscovery.

The author of this article points out, "Therefore the future of electronic discovery will likely revolve around structured data discovery and social media mapping technology. After all, Gartner recently predicted that by the end of 2013, half of all companies will be asked to produce social media content."  A link to the Gartner survey is also provided in the article.


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