Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sharing on the Web: How, When, Where & Why We Do It [INFOGRAPHIC]


An article by Jennifer Van Grove published by Mashable.com

This article discusses trends regarding posting and sharing content on the internet.  The author poses the questions, "When are people most likely to share content on the web? How do they prefer to share it? What services are they sharing to most frequently? These are the burning questions of the age of social media. Bookmarking and sharing company AddThis just might have the answers." A link to AddThis is included in the article.

Included in the discussion is an infographic from Clearspring Technologies provides some interesting insight into internet behavior.  The trends discussed are complied from sharing activities powered by AddThis, a service that reaches 1.2 billions users monthly.

The complete infographic is included in the article, a portion of the graphic appears here below:


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