Thursday, October 13, 2011

RIM (Blackberry) Outage Explanation Leaves Big Questions

An article published by on the Global CIO webpage, written by Jonathan Feldman.

This article discusses the status update provided today by RIM's co-CEO's regarding the nearly four day long blackberry outage that has been experienced by various users worldwide (which includes Joe Bartolo, one of the author's of this blog).

The article points out, "...apparently, one switch's failure with a bonked-up backup system had such a tremendous "ripple effect" that it caused a world-wide outage for days.

The question that many CIOs and CTOs are asking is, if architecture is planned out right, and testing occurred on a reasonably diligent basis, how exactly could that happen?"

The article describes the lack of a complete explanation from RIM as to why this outage spiraled from Europe, Africa and Asia to eventually even reach the U.S.  As the author states, "CIOs listening to these answers will notice what was said--and what was not. The stakes could not be higher for RIM, nor the timing worse, as InformationWeek's Fritz Nelson noted yesterday.

RIM's customers know that reliability, management tools, and security strength, are what RIM has to offer enterprises now. RIM's not competing on features."

There's no doubt that more information will be forthcoming in the days to come. But for now, serious worries remain about the architecture, testing procedures, and other aspects of RIM's venerable and once-mighty data service."


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