Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nearly 300,000 status updates are posted to Facebook every minute

Article by Mike Flacy posted on

This article provides some interesting statistics regarding the frequency of use of social media.

As the author states, "Vancouver-based social media and promotions agency Popcorn released an infographic on its blog detailing actions taking place across the major social networks every 60 seconds."  A link to the infographic is provided in the article.

As the article states, "With more than 800 million users on Facebook at of late, over half a million comments are posted on Facebook every single minute. Over 290,000 status updates are posted to profiles and nearly 140,000 photos are uploaded per minute."  These numbers just continue to grow, social media networks are reaching numbers that are astounding.

The article goes on to state, "Regarding rival social network Twitter, the organization sees about 120,000 tweets rolling out each minute. However, Twitter only sees a fraction of the photo uploads each minute through third party services, approximately one percent of total photos uploaded to Facebook."

In addition, the article states, "On the location-based FourSquare, users check-in to a bit over 2,000 locations every minute."

The continued growth of social media networks is having an increased impact on eDiscovery, as more requests for production of electronically stored information are being made during litigation.  Evidence from social media networks can often play an important role in litigation.


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