Sunday, October 9, 2011

E-Discovery: Avoiding The High Costs Of Over-Preservation

An article by John G. Schmidt Jr. and Jennifer A. Beckage posted on the Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website.

This article provides insight into means that can be used to reduce eDiscovery costs.  The article offers several points of advice, including the following:

  • Not Everything Has To Be Preserved
  • Engage In Early Case Assessment
  • Evaluate Vendor Expenses
  • Employ Consistently Applied Document Management Policies
  • Utilize Central Repositories And Online Review Tools
  • Reduce Data Sets During Collection And Release Litigation Holds
The authors provide discussion around each of the areas mentioned above. In conclusion the author's point out, "We are seeing the pendulum swing back to a degree. E-discovery should not be the tail wagging the litigation dog. To keep it from becoming so, experience, early case assessment, vendor management and proper staffing can help you avoid preserving material that has no bearing on any litigation."


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