Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10,000 archived records destroyed in hospital data blunder


Article by ICO Press Office (no author credit provided).

This article provides information on an incident that took place in 2010 in a hospital in the UK, in which 10,000 records were improperly destroyed.

The article states, "Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust breached the Data Protection Act by accidentally destroying 10,000 archived records, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said today.

The records – which should have been kept in a dedicated storage area – were put in a disposal room due to lack of space. The records were then mistakenly removed from the room and destroyed between the 28 and 31 December 2010. The hospital failed to realise that the information was missing for three months.

The Trust has been unable to establish how many of the records would have contained personal information - the majority of which would have been several years old."

The articles goes on further to state, "Jonathan Bamford, the ICO’s Head of Strategic Liaison, is today delivering a keynote speech at the Healthcare, Technology and Innovation exhibition in London. He will stress that the health sector needs to do more to protect sensitive patient data, making sure healthcare workers implement vital safeguards in practice. The ICO has an exhibition stand at the conference and staff will be on hand to offer delegates support and advice on information rights issues.

A further undertaking has also been signed by Poole NHS Trust after two diaries – containing information relating to the care of 240 midwifery patients - were stolen from a nurse’s car. The diaries included patients’ names, addresses and details of previous visits and were used by the nurse during out of hours duty."


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