Monday, October 3, 2011

News Flash: Final Judgment Entered in Victor Stanley case for $2,454,931.10, plus fees and costs

A blog post by Ralph Losey on his blog e-Discovery Team.

The article discusses the infamous Victor Stanely case and the final judgement entered on that matter, along with the accompanying sanctions.

As the author states, "District Court Judge Marvin J. Garbis entered a final judgment on September 30, 2011, inVictor Stanley, Inc. v. Creative Pipe, Inc., a case made famous by earlier opinions on e-discovery by Magistrate Judge Paul Grimm. After the sanctions orders the only thing that remained at trial was to determine the amount of damages. Now we know the end result for the Gang That Couldn’t Spoliate Straight, $2,454,931.10, plus fees and costs."

A copy of the final order is included in the author's blog post.

The order was broken into 4 parts, there are attorneys fees and costs awarded as well on 2 of the counts, and also $575,375.40 in enhanced damages on one count, and $500,000 in punitive damages on another count.

Hence, one for the eDiscovery textbooks comes to a conclusion. Below is a link to a prior post about this case from Mr. Losey's blog:


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