Monday, October 3, 2011

E-Discovery: Riding herd on social media ESI

Article by Michael Collyard published on

The article discusses the impact social media is having upon litigation.

The article points out, "Social media presents unique challenges during litigation, because data changes fast, content often resides on third-party servers, and getting access may require knowledge of passwords or other privacy settings. Earlier versions are easily lost because few technologies exist to preserve social media.

Preserving, collecting and producing social media content takes planning. To gain control of social media data, inside counsel can:
  • Limit or monitor at-work access to sites like Facebook and LinkedIn;
  • Develop social media policies for employees with clear guidelines on acceptable and unacceptable uses; and
  • Create a crisis management plan."
The article goes on further to point out important issues about this topic, and provides narrative regarding the following items:

1. Preserving social media content
2. Collecting social media content
3. Producing social media content

The article goes on further to provide information regarding practical strategies for managing social media content, specifically discussing, "Limiting or monitoring at-work access.; Developing clear social media use policies; and Creating a crisis management plan".


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