Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Social Media Can Hurt You In A Lawsuit


An article by Kevin Casey appearing on information week SMB webpage at informationweek.com.

This article discusses the increasing use of social media networks, and how comments made on social media can be damaging evidence in litigation.

The article provides some examples and insight as to how social media might cause damage and risk to a business, regardless of the size of the business.  The author states, "If your SMB doesn't have a social media policy, it needs one. Now. (Check out The BrainYard's must-haves for your policy, as well as why it needs regular checkups.) At least a basic level of online monitoring is also a recommended practice for SMBs, even if that simply means setting up a Google Alerts for your company and its applicable brand names."  The article provides links to certain resources regarding social media policies.

The article goes on to further state, "A good policy should clearly cover--and prohibit, as needed--personal use of company information in social media settings. While advising employees about their personal social media habits is a touchy subject at best, SMBs can educate their employees about privacy settings, security issues, and the sometimes blurry lines between personal and professional lives. When Facebook rolls out major changes, for example, make sure employees know how those changes impact corporate strategy--and by extension what they might mean in a personal setting."


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