Monday, October 17, 2011

Shore Up Your Privacy Policy Before Disaster Strikes

An article by Peter S. Vogel published on website.

This article discusses various website privacy policies.  The article states, "Personally Identifiable Information (PII) may include many details such as name, address, email address, phone numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers and the like. From a technology standpoint, every visitor to every website provides some PII about who they are and where they came from. When a visitor lands on a website, this is what the website owner can access:

  • the visitor's unique IP (Internet Protocol) address;
  • PII about the last website the visitor accessed; and
  • information from cookies it left on the visitor's hard drive from a previous visit to the site, perhaps including credit card information and passwords (usually encrypted).

In addition, website visitors provide PII voluntarily when they register as users on sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn or for services like Gmail."

The article discusses website privacy regulations, aggregate data, and provides tips on what a privacy policy should contain.

The author states, "Website owners should make sure their Privacy Policies satisfy applicable legal requirements and also address business concerns, so as to give the website visitors comfort that PII will not be used wrongfully."


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