Saturday, October 8, 2011


61. The dynasty founded by Khizr Khan is known as Sayyid dynasty because—
(A) He and his successors adopted the title Sayyid
(B) Khizr Khan belonged to the Sayyid tribe of eastern Turkistan
(C) Khizr Khan was the descendant of the prophet Muhammad
(D) He was a scholar of Islamic theology
Ans : (C)
62. Who were called barids ?
(A) Craftsmen working in state workshops
(B) Bodyguards of the sultan
(C) Officer-in-charge of state exchequer
(D) The spy reporters
Ans : (D)

63. Who among the following officers held highest stature in the central government of the Sultanate ?
(A) Qazi-ul-Mulk
(B) Naib-i-Mulk
(C) Head of the Majlis-i-Khalawat
(D) Wazir
Ans : (B)

64. Who among the following did not act as a tax farmer ?
(A) Village headman
(B) Patwari
(C) Governor
(D) Tributary chief
Ans : (D)

65. In Early Medieval India “Dosi Hatt” was—
(A) Animal Market
(B) Meena Bazar
(C) Kapaas (Cotton) Market
(D) Slave Bazar
Ans : (C)

66. Who was the founder of independent kingdom of Gujarat ?
(A) Zafar Khan
(B) Tatar Khan
(C) Shama Khan
(D) Ahmad Shah
Ans : (A)

67. The single biggest item of import to the Vijayanagar empire was—
(A) Precious stones
(B) Horses
(C) Luxury goods
(D) Raw Silk
Ans : (B)

68. Which contemporary Mughal historian of the age of Akbar had prepared a list of charges calling him an enemy of Islam ?
(A) Badauni
(B) Niamtullah
(C) Abbas Khan Sarwani
(D) Nizamuddin Ahmad
Ans : (A)

69. Who is the writer of ‘Tabqat-i-Akbari’ ?
(A) Badauni
(B) Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmad
(C) Abul Fazl
(D) Khwand Mir
Ans : (B)

70. Which famous painter among the following did not remain in the court of Akbar ?
(A) Farrukh Beg
(B) Dasawanth
(C) Aga Reza
(D) Basawan
Ans : (A)

71. Who among the following Mughal princess produced a ‘diwan’ (collection of poems) with the name ‘Makhi’ ?
(A) Humayun’s sister Gulbadan Begum
(B) Shah Jahan’s daughter Jahanara
(C) Shah Jahan’s daughter Roshanara
(D) Aurangzeb’s daughter Zibunnisa
Ans : (D)

72. Which jeweller foreign traveller of the Mughal period has left a detailed account of Takht-i-Taus (Peacock throne) ?
(A) Travernier
(B) Geronimo Verroneo
(C) ‘Omrah’ Danishmand Khan
(D) Austin of Bordeaux
Ans : (A)

73. Whom did Sher Shah appoint to provide bed and food to Hindu travellers staying at ‘Sarais’ (rest houses) ?
(A) Afghan Muslims
(B) Muslims
(C) Brahmanas
(D) Low caste Hindus
Ans : (D)

74. Which one among the following statements is not correct about the agrarian policy of Sher Shah ?
(A) Sher Shah insisted upon measurement of the sown land
(B) Sher Shah drew up schedule of rates for state’s share of the different types of crops
(C) The amount each peasant had to pay was to be written down on a paper called ‘patta’
(D) The measuring part was allowed to fix fee at their will
Ans : (D)

75. When did Aurangzeb arrive in Deccan finally to quell the revolt of Marathas ?
(A) 1681
(B) 1682
(C) 1689
(D) 1700
Ans : (C)

76. Which among the following is the most important source of information about the agrarian conditions during Mughals ?
(A) Ain-i-Akbari
(B) Akbarnama
(C) Muntakhab-ul-Lubab
(D) Tarikh-i-Ferishta
Ans : (B)

77. What portion of actual produce was fixed as the demand of the state under the ‘Zabit’ system ?
(A) One-half
(B) One-third
(C) One-fourth
(D) One-fifth
Ans : (B)

78. Which Maratha saint is most importantly known for social reform, national regeneration and the rise of Maratha power ?
(A) Eknath
(B) Tukaram
(C) Samartha Ramdas
(D) Vaman Pandit
Ans : (C)

79. The chief gain to Shivaji from his raids of Surat in 1664 and 1670 was—
(A) Immense increase in his prestige
(B) Demoralisation of the Mughal forces
(C) Capture of the English factory
(D) A lot of booty
Ans : (D)

80. What was the unit of measurement of land in Maratha dominion ?
(A) Kathi
(B) Tanab
(C) Jarib
(D) Daftari bigha
Ans : (A)

81. How did Portuguese firstly affect Indian trade and industry ?
(A) By forcing Gujarat and Calicut to abandon construction of ships or even armed rowing boats
(B) By monopolising port-toport trade on the Malabar coast and the trade from Indian to Persian coast
(C) In both (A) and (B) ways above
(D) By dictating the prices of horses imported by native Indian powers after ousting Arabs
Ans : (B)

82. What was the occasion of handing over of Mumbai (Bombay) to Britishers by the Portuguese ?
(A) Freedom of Portuguese from the control of Spain
(B) Marriage of Charles II with the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza
(C) Crushing of Spanish Armada by British in 1588
(D) The Treaty of Madrid in 1630
Ans : (B)

83. What made Jahangir to issue a farman in 1613 A.D. to the English to establish a factory at Surat ?
(A) Reconciliation between the English and Portuguese
(B) A secret offer of naval help to the Mughal emperor to oust the Portuguese
(C) A heavy dose of bribe to Nur Jahan
(D) The defeat of Portuguese naval squadrons by the English
Ans : (D)

84. The Indian port(s) utilized by Dutch for their trade in India was/were—
(A) Pulicat
(B) Masulipattam
(C) Nagapattam
(D) All of these
Ans : (D)

85. The founder of French East India Company for trade in India was—
(A) Colbert
(B) Francois Martin
(C) Francois Caron
(D) De La Haye
Ans : (A)

86. Where was the first Presidency of English East India Company in India ?
(A) Chennai (Madras)
(B) Masulipattam
(C) Surat
(D) Hugli
Ans : (C)

87. Aurangzeb ordered the arrest of all Englishmen and the seizure of all English factories throughout his dominion, because—
(A) The English had refused to pay local duties in Bengal
(B) The English had attacked the Mughal ships on the western coast
(C) The English were fortifying their trading stations
(D) All of the above
Ans : (D)

88. The English exported from Bengal—
(A) Sugar
(B) Saltpetre
(C) Silks
(D) All of these
Ans : (C)

89. The immediate cause of Siraj-uddaula’s campaign against the English in 1757 was—
(A) The refusal of the English to pay taxes on their goods
(B) The levying of heavy duties by the English on Indian goods entering Kolkata (Calcutta)
(C) Additional fortification of Kolkata (Calcutta) without the permission or even the knowledge of the nawab
(D) The English taking up the cause of Shaukut Jang, a rival of Siraj-ud-daula
Ans : (A)

90. How was the control of company in Bengal legitimized ?
(A) The imperial grant of the ‘diwani’ of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa by Shah Alam II
(B) The treaty with Mir Zafar after the battle of Plassey in 1757
(C) The treaty with Mir Zafar after the battle of Buxar in 1764
(D) The treaty of February 1765 with Nizam-ud-daula
Ans : (D)

91. The first serious blow inflicted by the English on India’s handloom industry was—
(A) Duty imposed on the looms
(B) Compulsion of weavers to sell their goods on dictated prices
(C) Shortage of cotton due to export of raw-cotton
(D) Infiltration of cash crops like indigo and opium in the cottongrowing area
Ans : (B)

92. Which of the following statements is not applicable to the Mahalwari settlement ?
(A) It was a permanant measure introduced as an improvement on the other two measures
(B) It was applied to each village and the estate separately
(C) The government instead of coming in contract with the cultivator made settlement with the village community as a whole
(D) It was introduced in the Gangetic valley, the Punjab and the parts of Central India
Ans : (A)

93. Which of the following statements about the new landlords is not correct ?
(A) They were town dwelling merchants and moneyed classes with no roots in the village
(B) They were free to harass the cultivators
(C) They were mere rent collecting absentee businessmen
(D) They had converted the peasants to mere cultivators by taking away their traditional rights over their land
Ans : (C)

94. Which of the following reasons is not correct with regard to the decline of economy of India during English rule ?
(A) Lack of qualification and technical skill in the Indians
(B) Failure to get overseas market due to lack sea power
(C) Unprotected indigenous industry due to weak guild organizations
(D) Lack of the class of industrial enterprizers in India
Ans : (A)

95. Who first expounded the theory of ‘economic drain’ of India during the British rule ?
(A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B) Ramesh Chanda Dutt
(C) Dadabhai Naoroji
(D) Surendra Nath Banerjee
Ans : (C)

96. What among the following factors was not applicable to the conditions of abject poverty in India during the British rule ?
(A) Decay of Agricultural production and indigenuous industries
(B) Investment of foreign capital in India
(C) Insufficient growth of modern industries
(D) High taxation
Ans : (B)

97. Who among these was not a part of triple alliance on the eve of first Anglo-Mysore war of 1767-69 ?
(A) The English
(B) Nizam of Hyderabad
(C) The Marathas
(D) Raja of Travancore
Ans : (D)

98. Tipu Sultan was ahead of his contemporaries in many respect because—
(A) He understood the threat posed by English to the Indian powers
(B) He understood the importance of strong economic base for the military power
(C) He understood the importance of modern trade and industry
(D) All of the above
Ans : (D)

99. Who among the following Maratha chiefs was the last to enter into a subsidiary alliance with the English ?
(A) The Peshwas
(B) Holkar
(C) Bhonsle
(D) Scindia
Ans : (B)

100. On what condition Wellesly agreed to help Peshwa Bajirao II ?
(A) His agreeing to the abolition of the office of the Peshwa after his death
(B) An underhand transaction of Rs. 15 lakh
(C) His consent to the subsidiary alliance
(D) His agreeing to dispossess Scindia from his fief
Ans : (C)

101. From whom did the English secure the rights of duty free trade after Bengal ?
(A) Nawab of Awadh
(B) Raja of Banaras
(C) The Nizam of Hyderabad
(D) The Jats of Bharatpur
Ans : (A)

102. With whom did Raja Ranjit Singh conclude the treaty of Lahore in 1806 which gave him freedom to expand north of Sutlej ?
(A) Peshwa Bajirao II
(B) Holkar of Indore
(C) Scindia of Gwalior
(D) East India Company
Ans : (D)

103. Who among the following did not become a prey of Dalhousie’s policy of absorption ?
(A) Satara
(B) Nagpur
(C) Scindia
(D) Mysore
Ans : (D)

104. Why did Mumbai (Bombay) and Chennai (Madras) not join the revolt of 1857 along with northern provinces ?
(A) They failed to find necessary leadership due to ryotwari settlement
(B) They had remained comparatively free from annexations and confiscations
(C) They had more tolerant and enlightened administrators
(D) They were at a great distance from Kolkata (Calcutta), the seat of British administration
Ans : (D)

105. What was the grieviest cause of discontent among soldiers before the revolt of 1857 ?
(A) Question of promotion and pay
(B) Non-observance of caste distinctions
(C) Frequent campaigns in distant lands
(D) Absence of a proper and equitable procedure for discipline and control
Ans : (A)

106. Who led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow ?
(A) Tatya Tope
(B) Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah
(C) Birjis Qadir
(D) Begum Hazrat Mahal
Ans : (D)

107. Who among the following said, “One religion, one caste and one God for mankind” ?
(A) Jyotiba Phule
(B) Vivekananda
(C) Sri Narayan Guru
(D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ans : (C)

108. Which is called the ‘magna carta’ of western education system in India ?
(A) The report of the Committee of Public Instruction, 1823
(B) The Charter Act of 1833
(C) Report of the Hunter Commission, 1862
(D) Despatch of Sir Charles Wood, Secretary of State, 1854
Ans : (D)

109. Which of the following organizations did Raja Ram Mohan Roy conceive of ahead of his times ?
(A) World Court of Justice
(B) Economic Community
(C) League of Nations
(D) Common Market
Ans : (C)

110. Who guided the establishment of Prarthana Samaj in Maharashtra ?
(A) Keshub Chunder Sen
(B) Lokhitwadi
(C) Shibnath Shastri
(D) Debendranath Tagore
Ans : (A)

111. Which of the following books does not match with its author ?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji—‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India’
(B) R. C. Dutt—‘Economic History of India’
(C) Mahatma Gandhi—‘Hind Swaraj’
(D) D. R. Gadgil—‘Indian Industry, Today and Tomorrow’
Ans : (D)

112. In 1922 “Bhil Seva Mandal” was established by—
(A) Narain Malhar Joshi
(B) Amritlal Vitthaldas Thakkar
(C) Jyotiba Phule
(D) Baba Amte
Ans : (B)

113. On what ground the second split in Congress took place in 1918 ?
(A) Lucknow Pact
(B) Montague Declaration
(C) Election of Mrs. Annie Besant as the President of the Congress in 1917
(D) Both (B) and (C) above
Ans : (B)

114. By which Act the Public Service Commission was first established in India ?
(A) The Indian Council Act, 1892
(B) The Act of 1909
(C) The Government of India Act, 1919
(D) The Government of India Act, 1935
Ans : (C)

115. Who was the mastermind of bomb attack on Lord Hardinge at Chandani Chowk, Delhi in 1912 ?
(A) Rasbehari Bose
(B) Bhai Paramanand
(C) Sachindranath Sanyal
(D) Sohan Lal Pathak
Ans : (A)

116. Who was selected as the first satyagrahi by Mahatma Gandhi to begin the individual satyagraha in 1940 ?
(A) C. Rajagopalachari
(B) Vallabhbhai Patel
(C) J.B. Kripalani
(D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Ans : (B)

117. Who was the founder president of Harijan Sevak Samgha founded by Mahatma Gandhi ?
(A) Mahadev Desai
(B) G. D. Birla
(C) Amrit Lal Thakkar
(D) B. R. Ambedkar
Ans : (C)

118. What was the provocation behind the damand of separate electorate etc. under fourteen points of Jinnah ?
(A) Fear of the majority rule
(B) Communal politics of Hindu Mahasabha and Sikh League
(C) Disagreement with the proposals contained in the Nehru report
(D) The challenge of the British government for drawing up an agreed Constitution of India
Ans : (C)

119. What was the reason for the rejection of the Government of India Act, 1935 by the Congress ?
(A) The Indians were not consulted
(B) It was stalling the establishment of people’s government
(C) The provisions made in the name provincial autonomy were violative of democratic rights
(D) All of the above
Ans : (D)

120. When did Gandhiji go to fast unto death for the first time ?
(A) At the time of Communal award
(B) At the time of riots in Kolkatta (Calcutta)
(C) At the time of riots in Delhi
(D) At the time of Jallianwala Bagh tragedy
Ans : (D).


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