Monday, October 10, 2011

5 Ways Your Site is Probably Breaking the Law Right Now

Article by Jonathan Bailey posted on the Blog Herald website.

This article discusses five ways that websites can easily run afoul of laws, and mentions the following:

1. Copyright Infringement
2. TOS Violations
3. False WHOIS Information
4. Privacy Laws
5. Adult/Offensive/Hate Content

The article provides narrative around each of these points, and discusses why a typical website might have violated the law concerning each topic.  There is also an analysis of the potential impact for each type of violation mentioned.

As the article states, "Most sites, at the very least, bend the law and sometimes outright break it.

This isn’t because they are run by bad people but because of the nature of the law itself. Sometimes it’s poorly-written law that is almost impossible to not break (at least technically) and sometimes it’s lack of knowledge about the law itself.

So what are some of the ways you’re probably breaking the law online? There are too many to choose from."


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