Monday, September 12, 2011

Keywords and Cooking: an eDiscovery Parallel

An article by Chris Dale appearing on his blog, the eDisclosure Information Project.

This article touches on proper techniques that need to be utilized to complete the eDiscovery phase of litigation.  The author likens the eDiscovery process to trying to cook a three course meal for six people.  "The parallel which matters is this: eDiscovery, like proper cooking, is a specialist skill. If you hold yourself out as able to do it then that is equivalent to inviting people round to dinner. If you can’t stand the heat, as they say, then get out of the kitchen: hire in the skills (employ a cook) or outsource the specialist tasks (book a restaurant). As with restaurants, there is a wide range of specialists to choose from, as the logos down the right-hand side of this page show."

The author touches on the use of keywords, and their place in the eDiscovery.  As well as the use of more advanced A.I. software approaches and predictive coding.  As the author points out, a balanced "blended" approach of solutions is vital, and the solution needs to be tailored to fit the task at hand.  "Proportionality" is a concept that needs to be understood by attorneys involved in the process, as well as any third-party service providers or industry experts that they may rely upon.


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