Monday, September 19, 2011

European data concerns cloud outlook for US vendors

Article by Loek Essers from the IDG News Service posted on computerworld UK.

This article discusses the U.S. Patriot Act, and how the provisions of that act come into conflict with certain EU privacy regulations.  The article mentions that the Dutch government may block the use of US based cloud service providers, due to this conflict in regulations.

As the article states, " Dutch government agencies need to protect government information and citizen data from being accessed by the US, and so bids must be able to meet demands that cloud providers do not hand over any information to the US."

The article further goes on to say, "Excluding US cloud providers is not official policy yet. However, Vincent van Steen, spokesperson for the ministry of the interior, confirmed that the Dutch government is considering a ban on American cloud providers like Microsoft and Google. "The minister is considering this," he said. "This means that it could be a requirement for tenders and the awarding of contracts."

The article also provides some additional insight, "Jim Dempsey, vice president for public policy at the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), said he is not sure if the questions raised about American cloud providers in Europe are truly about privacy. He said: "Is this a privacy issue? Or do governments want to keep the access to data in their own hands?"


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