Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crossing of Rubicon river

Crossing of Rubicon river

1-The Rubicon is a shallow river in northeastern Italy, about 80 kilometres long, running from the Apennine Mountains to the Adriatic Sea through the southern Emilia-Romagna region, between the towns of Rimini and Cesena.
2-The Latin word rubico comes from the adjective "rubeus", meaning "red". The river was so named because its waters are colored red by mud deposits.
3-The idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means to pass a point of no return, and refers to Julius Caesar's army'scrossing of the river in 49 BC, which was considered an act of insurrection.

4-Because the course of the river has changed much since then, it is impossible to confirm exactly where the Rubicon flowed when Caesar and hislegions crossed it.


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