Monday, September 12, 2011

Govt service via social networks?

Article by Farzana Rasool posted on, IT Web Open Source website.

This article discusses the use of social media sites by government entities. 

As the article states, "Speaking at the annual GovTech conference, in Durban, this morning, (South African Government IT Officers Council chairperson) Julius Segole said Gartner predicts that by 2015, almost 50% of government services and outcomes will possibly be delivered using social networks and smart technology."

The article goes on to say, "Also speaking at the conference, public service and administration minister Richard Baloyi said connected government implies improving the internal workings of the various public sector institutions, the ICT systems that they use to better manage workflow and processes, to eliminate duplication and bureaucracies to ensure faster turnaround times."

Furthermore the article points out that cloud computing will be an essential key for government based computer systems in the future.


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