Thursday, September 22, 2011

Roundabout ways: Nashville Nudes and Confederate Widows? A roundabout way of explaining "smart" eDiscovery

A blog post by Charles Holloway on his blog The Smart e-Discovery blog.

This article discusses the artwork in Nashville and the recent ILTA conference held there.  The article states that there are things that cause distractions, but reminds us of the meaning of the SMART acronym:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-related
As the article goes on to state, "In other words for any objective to be “SMART” it needs to be understood to be sufficiently specific so that you know what is required to deliver the objective. It is no good being wishy-washy. It needs to be measurable because otherwise you will not know easily when it has been achieved. It must be capable of being achieved which I understand to mean there is little point in having as your objective something which is in reality a “nice-to-have” or a wish list. It must be realistic for the same reasons and there must be a finite timescale in which the objective is to be attained.

We can and must tear our eyes away from nude statues but we ignore SMART objectives at our peril."


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