Saturday, September 17, 2011

Top Spy Website Hacked

Article from the Daily Beast by Eli Lake.

This article discusses a recent, and troubling high profile hacking.  As the article states, "Cryptome, a site affiliated with the hacker collective Anonymous, published the membership emails and phone numbers and in some cases home addresses for the members of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA). By clicking on a link titled, “INSA Nest of Official and Corporate Spies,” anyone can find contact information for senior officials at the NSA, FBI, and CIA, as well as top national security contracting firms like Booz Allen Hamilton."

The article goes on further to state, "The irony in this case is that the files were published a day after INSA released a paper urging government contractors and the intelligence community to establish common protocols to ward off cyberintruders. The second sentence of the paper notes, “Cyberspace is a haven for a broad range of disruptive operations, including reconnaissance, theft, sabotage, and espionage.”"


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