Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Six Basic Assumptions about the Cloud – and Why They are Wrong

A blog post from the GMO Cloud blog, regarding a presentation given by Joe Weinman at a recent cloud conference.

This article describes 6 points that Mr. Weinman referenced as basic assumptions about cloud services, and then provides 6 counterpoints to those assumptions indicating why Mr. Weinmann felt the assumptions are inaccurate.

The 6 topics discussed are as follows:

Assumption #1: The Cloud offers a brand new technology and business model to business.

Assumption #2: The services encompassed by the Cloud are always accessed via browser over the web.

Assumption #3: With large clouds comes great economy of scale.Assumption #4: All IT will eventually move into the Cloud because IT is like electricity.

Assumption #5: The replacement of capital expenditures (CAPEX) with operational expenditures (OPEX) is a big benefit that all businesses need to take advantage of.

Assumption #6: Because of the lower cost of running applications in the cloud, business will see their spending on IT reduced. 


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