Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can Social Media Play a Role in E-Discovery?

Article from Pharma IQ, a division of IQPC, posted on the Pharma IQ website.

The article discusses the topic of the relationship between eDiscovery and social media.  "

One particular field which the web has influenced in some way is information retention, particularly in terms of e-discovery. The concept, also known as electronic discovery, is defined simply as documents in a digital format which are prepared or needed in relation to a legal case.
Due to the important role that such files can play in the dealings of businesses, it is unsurprising that the past few months have thrown up some debate around e-discovery, particularly its relationship with social media."

As the article goes on to point out, "Research published by the Deloitte Forensic Center in June revealed that 62 per cent of companies are concerned about how e-discovery challenges could be created by the use of online social media forums. In addition, a quarter suggested that their companies are not yet prepared to deal with requests related to the business use of social media."

This will continue to be an interesting issue, as corporations struggle with regulating social media, and dealing with data collection from social media networks.


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