Tuesday, September 27, 2011

E-Discovery Attorney Says Preserve to Protect: Onsite Coverage


Article by Mark Rapport appearing on the Credit Union Times website.

This article discusses a recent presentation provided by eDiscovery attorney Gregory Johnson, which was delivered to the CUNA Operations & Service Council/CUNA Technology Council at a conference in San Antonio.

The article states, "Johnson’s talk included a number of practical tips, such as a reminder that copy machines have hard drive memories and they should be erased before leased machines are turned in, and he especially drove home the point that not being transparent with attorneys for both sides about what’s available can be costly."

In addition, the article goes on to say, "he (Johnson) tells his clients to “preserve, preserve, preserve, and tell me about it. We can always fight later about what we’re going to give to the other side. But they have the right to know it exists.”

The best defense is a good defense, he added. Credit unions should have very clear policies about employee use of company computers, and they need to be as concerned about inside jobs as outside hackers."


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