Saturday, September 17, 2011

E-Discovery: Avoiding Drive-By “Meet & Confers”

Article by Michael Collyard posted on

This article touches on the fact that eDiscovery has made the meet and confer that is required by Rule 26 of the FRCP more important than ever.

The author provides 3 tips to be better prepared for meet and confers:

Plan to be open and honest about client data and data-systems;

Create methods of handling disagreements; and

Understand and evaluate opportunities for cost savings.

As the article wisely goes on to state, "Attorneys should be up to speed on available e-discovery production options. They need to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each current e-discovery method. Attorneys also should understand how each method’s issues relate to the specifics of the litigation and the details of client data and data storage systems.

Therefore, attorneys need to investigate their client’s data early in the litigation. The also need to know their client’s IT systems and should determine the key data custodians who control the information relevant to the dispute ahead of time."


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