Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finding the missing link

A blog post from Charles Holloway from his blog, The Smart e-Discovery Blog.

This article discusses trends concerning the use of LPO services to outsource certain legal functions. The author states, "In my own “second career” it is plain that e-disclosure is becoming a much more main stream activity and in general lawyers are not good at it and many do not “get it”.

Why should clients continue to pay for lawyers to do something at which they are not very good and where some at least appear not to want to get their hands dirty?

Why not go to a discovery expert? There are lawyers out there (sometimes called discovery counsel) who are making an excellent living providing the service to clients already and effectively sweeping up after the litigation lawyer."

The author also discusses anthropological finds regarding possible missing links, and uses this as an analogy between law firm attorneys, and those specialists they may rely upon.  "I think I may have found the Missing Link by which I mean that the star of the future may well not be the bright litigation lawyer with a flair/knack/talent for litigation but the e-disclosure expert."


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