Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ILTA 2011 - In the Social Sphere

Article by Natalie Huha posted on the website.

This article provides a brief recap of the ILTA 2011 conference recently held in Nashville, and offers some interesting tips on how Twitter, and other social media networking sites expand the reach of conference events such as ILTA.

The author provides tips on how to tweetchat around a Twitter hashtag, and discusses the widespread reach of the conference due to all the information disseminated by social media regarding the events that took place at the conference.

As the article states, "Social channels such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and now Google+ (along with blogging of course) allow the information to transcend across all borders. Since ILTA was only able to dedicate 60-75 minutes per session, only so much information could be shared during that timeframe by the live speakers. However, because of the social channels, much more information, tips, links to stats and so forth could be shared. The information then became instantly available to anyone and searchable by the dedicated hashtag for the sessions."


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