Sunday, September 11, 2011

How 9/11 changed data centers

Article by Patrick Thibodeau on Computer World.

This article discusses the impact the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks had on data centers.

The article points out, "Data centers today, particularly those serving as colocation facilities, are more likely to have multiple points of security that may include physical barriers such as crash-resistant fences and high-tech defenses such as biometric identification systems."

Stronger defenses, and facilities with more physical protection are commonplace now.  As the article states, "One such firm is Vantage Data Centers in Santa Clara, Calif., which leases out data center space in a complex located on an 18-acre campus. Its facility is approximately 310,000 square feet.

Vantage CEO Jim Trout says the facility is surrounded by an eight foot-tall fence capable of stopping a car. Beginning with the gate, there are as many as seven points in the facility where visitors are checked. There are guards, biometric fingerprint identification systems, mantraps and cameras that all serve to limit access to the facility and keep track of visitors."


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