Saturday, September 3, 2011

Guidelines for proper use of computers

Guidelines for proper use of computers

1-The development of office ergonomics has resulted largely from the rapid growth of information technology and the increasing numbers of individuals using personal computers. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of repetitive strain injuries associated with computer usage. These are often associated with inadequate workplace equipment and conditions and constrained or improper posture.
2- Computer users frequently sit for long periods of time doing work requiring frequent small movements with their eyes, head, arms and fingers.
3- The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance on the purchase, setup and use of computer in order to prevent the issues .

Proper Use of the Computer.

Health concern
a-eyestrain,head, shoulder, neck, and back pains,hand and wrist injuries.

1.Position in a well-ventilated room
2.Use an adjustable workstation: ergonomic computer chairs
       3.Place the monitor 16 to 24 inches away, at eye level or slightly at a lower angle; tilt the monitor or adjust the light source; adjust the brightness and contrast settings
4.Use extendable/retractable legs of the keyboard
5.Mouse must be easily accessible by your dominant hand
6.Use a document holder to minimize vertical head Movements.
1.Sit up straight. Feet flat on the floor, use a footrest if needed.Position your lower arms parallel with the floor and level to your keyboard, with elbows at your side
2.Keep wrists straight vs. carpal tunnel syndrome
      3.Do not lean into the monitor but sit close enough to the keyboard and the mouse to stay relaxed.
1.Tap on the keys/mouse buttons gently
2. Avoid long, uninterrupted periods of typing–Take short stretch breaks, ideally every 20 minutes, to prevent fatigue
3. Avoid staring at the monitor for long periods–Take vision breaks: focus on objects at least 20 feet away –Do eye exercises.

1.Use an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
2.Unplug your system during lightning storms, even if it is surge protected.
3.Disconnect from the Internet during lightning storms to protect modems.
4.Avoid octopus connections.
1.Do not panic!.•Create a boot disk / startup disk.•If the computer hangs or is acting weird:–Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up the Task List.–Do a manual reboot or shut down the
computer and turn it back on after at least 10 seconds.
2.Avoid by not opening too many apps simultaneously.If a hardware component is not
functioning well or not functioning at all:
3.examine the power button, power cords,cables, and connectors
3.try rebooting so that the computer can detect the hardware the lab technician for a replacement hardware component.mouse or the keyboard not functioning well: usually due to dust and dirt
5.“Non-system disk” message: check if diskette is inserted in the disk drive has difficulty reading storage device: ask the lab technician to examine and clean the drive .
      7. safe mode”: generally due a corrupted operating system, or bad sectors in the hard
disk, or having a non-compatible hardware connected - use the system utilities to try and fix the problem
8.printer not functioning properly: use the Printer Properties – Maintenance tab.scan for viruses.
       8.Final resort: contact your vendor in case yourunit is still under warranty. If not, then contactthe local computer shop or the lab technician.
9.Never try to tinker with the internal hardware unless you have undergone special training on computer maintenance.
1.Error-checking vs. bad sectors.Defragmentation to increase the speed
of access and retrieval.System Backup for easy restoration in the event of a system crash or failure..Disk Cleanup to free up space on the hard disk.
REGULAR FILE BACK UPS portable storage devices like CDs,flash drives, and diskettes
      2.for easy retrieval of files vs. Accidental file deletion, a system crash, or hardware failure
     3.take care of storage devices: keep away from heat, moisture, and magnetic fields like phones, and speakers.

Proper Use of the Internet guidelines.
    1.Do not use Email for harassing or threatening others
   2.Do not send worms or viruses to cyberspace.
   3.Do not send spam.
   4.Do not collect other people’s email id for sending spam or bulk mail.
   5.Do not share the email ids in your contact without permission.
   6.Do not forget to add your correct identity.
   7.Do not use downloaded material as your own.


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