Thursday, November 17, 2011

Who has discovered the site of Hampi

3-What were the sources used by Colin Mackenzie in order to gather information
about Hampi?

Colin Mackenzie gathered the information from variety of sources. At first he tried to
get information from the priest of Virupaksha temple. The information, thus collected
was corroborated with the architectural and literary sources.

Who was the founder of the empire? Who inspired them to lay foundation of the

Two brothers Harihar and Bukka laid the foundation of the Vijayanagara Empire in
the year 1336. Saint Vidyaranya inspired them to establish the empire.

What were the efforts Krishna Deva Raya made to increase his military

The efforts taken by KDR were as follows:
· Warfare requires effective cavalry and in order to be invincible in the region it
requires constant flow of the Arabian horses to the empire.
· It was also needed that the rival kingdoms should not be able to get these horses
from the traders. Initially Arab traders controlled Horse trade.
· Local communities of merchants known as kudirai chettis or horse merchants also
participated in these exchanges.

Discuss the factors responsible for the conflict between the kingdoms of South

The main cause of the struggle was the fertile delta of Krishna and Tungabhadra, and
the resources like spices, which were the chief commodity of lucrative trade.

Who has discovered the site of Hampi?

Colin Mackenzie was the antiquarian who has discovered the site of Hampi.

Who brought the Vijayanagara Empire to light?

The Vijayanagara Empire was brought to light by an engineer and antiquarian named
Colonel Colin Mackenzie in 1800 AD. He was an employee of the English East India
Company. He conducted his research first based on the memories of priests of the
Virupaksha temple and the shrine of Pampadevi.


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