Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Eight Things the Simpsons Can Teach You About Cloud Computing


An article by David Storm posted on the readwriteweb.com website.

This article uses the cartoon the Simpsons to illustrate how Cloud Computing can be effectively used in an Enterprise IT department.

The article offers the following 8 points as lessons taught by the Simpsons that can be applied to Cloud Computing:
  1. Be like Bart: under-promise and over-deliver. 
  2. Test and test again.  
  3. Don't be afraid to piss off someone in power.  
  4. Find the D'oh! moments and make sure you share them with your team.  
  5. Not every cloud service has the same color.  
  6. Understand your corporate culture.  
  7. Just like Springfield, the cloud can be anywhere.  
  8. Unlike the nuclear plant in the show, prepare for disasters.
A brief narrative is provided around each of these points in the article.


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