Monday, November 7, 2011

eDiscovery Trends: Madoff Ponzi Scheme Case Documents May Be Turned Over to eData Rooms and Special Masters

An article by Doug Austin on the eDiscovery Daily Blog.

The article discusses the Bernie Madoff fallout, and how the litigation involved with those investigation is being handled.

The author states, "Almost three years after Madoff's arrest in December 2008, the massive fraud investigation has now spawned roughly 900 lawsuits worldwide involving 16,000 parties in 30 countries. The number of files and documents related to Madoff's Ponzi scheme is equally astronomical - and as perhaps the most significant fraud case of the decade - or even the century - these documents and lawsuits contain information vital as precedent for future criminal cases.

As a result, trustee Irving Picard has determined to collect all of the ESI related to these cases in a single eData room with the help of special masters that would be appointed by US bankruptcy Judge Burton Lifland. eData rooms are web-based review platform."


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